The Best Way to Encourage Independence in Your Child - Child step stool

The Best Way to Encourage Independence in Your Child - Child step stool

Giving your child a child step stool is one of the best things you can do to encourage their independence. There are two versions of our Hidden Helper child step stool: one with a weighted base and one without. Both versions are made out of bamboo, which makes them strong and durable. Having a child's step stool will help your child feel more independent and capable, which will boost their confidence!

1. The benefits of giving your child a child step stool

Are numerous. Not only will they be able to reach things they couldn't before, but it also helps them gain confidence in themselves as well.

2. The Hidden Helper child step stool is perfect for this! Made out of bamboo, the child step stool has a strong and durable design that can withstand wear and tear from use.

3. The child step stool comes in two versions: one with a weighted base and one without. The weighted base helps keep the child's step stool in place, so your child won't have to worry about it slipping while they are using it.

4. By giving your child the Hidden Helper child step stool, you are giving them the freedom to be more independent and confident in their abilities. This child step stool will help your child reach new heights, both literally and figuratively!

5. Give your child the independence they need by getting a child step stool today! The Hidden Helper child step stool is strong, durable, and sure to last for years to come. Invest in your child's independence today with the Hidden Helper child step stool!

6. With the Hidden Helper child step stool, you can ensure your child will be able to reach any height they desire! Invest in their confidence and independence today.

2. The different types of child step stools:

1. Wooden child step stool:

this is a very popular choice, as it has a timeless look and can blend in with any existing furniture or décor.

2. Plastic child step stools:

these are lightweight and easy to move around, perfect for younger children who may need to use the child's step stool frequently.

3. Metal child step stools:

these are the most durable child step stool option and can be used for many years to come.

4. The Hidden Helper child step stool:

this child step stool is made out of bamboo and comes in two versions - one with a weighted base and one without.


No matter which child step stool you choose, you can be sure that it will help your child gain confidence and independence. Invest in your child's independence today with the Hidden Helper child step stool! With its strong and durable design, you can be sure that it will last for years to come. Give your child the freedom they need today with the Hidden Helper child step stool!


3. Tips for helping your child feel more independent with their child's step stool:

1. Show your child how to use the child's step stool correctly:

make sure they understand the importance of using it safely and properly, as well as all other safety precautions.

2. Encourage them to be more independent in their tasks:

let them know that they can do most things by themselves if they have the right tools.

3. Praise their accomplishments:

when they do something with the child's step stool, make sure to compliment them and let them know how proud you are that they accomplished it.

4. Explain why child step stools are important:

tell your child why child step stools are useful, and help explain the importance of independence and self-confidence.


By following these tips, you can help your child feel more independent with their child's step stool! With the Hidden Helper child step stool, you can give them the independence they need to reach anything they desire. Invest in your child's confidence and independence today with the Hidden Helper child step stool!